Our heart pulses current, our brain activity has to do with electricity and our nervous system too.
In medicine, the parameter to evaluate the state of health or disease in a human body is related to tests that analyze the electrical behavior of our heart such as the Electrocardiogram (EKG), the same with our brain scans called Electroencephalogram (EEG), there are even medical studies that evaluate brain activity through magnetic analysis of the brain, known as a magnetoencephalogram (MEG).
To sum up: the health of all biological systems has to do with the behavior of electromagnetic fields.
EMF is part of the radiation spectrum, it is, specifically, non-ionizing radiation.
The term radiation is little known and is often used as a synonym for something bad or harmful.
Radiation, in simple terms, is the propagation of electromagnetic energy in space, there is ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and radiation from natural sources or artificial sources.
Electromagnetic radiation from man-made sources is part of the non-ionizing category, and for that reason, it was misunderstood for decades and believed to be harmless to biological systems.
However, there is a large body of scientific data showing that this disturbed (artificially polarized) radiation, emanating from artificial sources, typically produces side effects on biological systems, the environment, and even technologies.
This disturbed radiation is capable of damaging a computer’s electronic circuitry and reducing the lifespan of electronic devices.
So, it’s the same with the human body, with your pets, plants, bees, etc.