We protect your space by filtering electrosmog

SPIRO® Protection

SPIRO’s® protection system for general exposure of telecommunications (including 4G/5G/WiFi/Bluetooth) that are in the environment, is filtered by means of a cumulative effect of natural magnetic ordering that occurs once the SPIRO® material (One or more SPIRO® Disks) is installed in a specific space.

SPIRO® discs are usually placed in each space of the enclosure in a vertical position, using a base that comes with the disc and in the direction of the main sources of radiation coming from the outside, or direct sources of emission from the space where the disk is located.
The number of disks used or the power required varies according to the volume of electronics inside the home, the exposure in the vicinity of the building, the type of building and the number of inhabitants in that space.

SPIRO has proven to® be effective not only in filtering pollution, protecting the health of the inhabitants of the spaces, but has also proven to be an effective improvement support for highly electrified smart homes connected with wireless surveillance systems.

The use of electronics such as mobile phones expose users to two types of radiation: high frequency (due to telecommunications) and low frequency radiation (due to the use of current from the equipment for its operation).
For complete protection of both types of emission, the SPIRO® system must be placed close to the emitting source so that the material interacts with the low-frequency field that surrounds the equipment because it runs on electricity.
Even if a SPIRO® user has a disk in a given space that can protect them from the 5G emission of the mobile, the user still needs a SPIRO® card to complete the protection at low frequencies.

The use of alternating current in our homes and offices, solar inverters in buildings with solar panels, smart current meters, electrical transformers and high-consumption electrical appliances generate significant low-frequency emissions that require the SPIRO® material to interact directly with the power supply of these fields.
In simple words, SPIRO® material as a low-frequency filter must be accompanied by the main electrical sources of the home.

With both magnetic and electric fields, SPIRO® filters effectively protect you.
The amount required depends on the strength of the field to which the user is exposed, with special attention being paid to rest areas, where once electrical connections and grounding have been optimized, the inevitable emissions from the space are perfectly controlled and filtered with SPIRO,® all this following the ALARA (As Low As Reasonable Achievable) principle.

In the case of the so-called Dirty Electricity (Harmonics and Transients) or interference in the electrical wiring, the approach is the implementation of a low-pass electronic filter for all current frequencies above 60 Hz.
Many of these electronic low-pass filters exist on the market, however, these filters, by their very operation, generate a low frequency emission that, paradoxically, adds pollution to the environment.
For this reason, we have created the STROOM MASTER,® which, as a low-pass electronic filter, we have manufactured it with the highest standards (UL certified) and with sufficient microfarad power for proper operation and, additionally, we have incorporated the SPIRO® material inside to filter the emissions generated by the operation of the electronic device.

Dirty electricity is a problem of interference that circulates in the electrical wiring, adding stress and disturbance that is distributed throughout the building, especially vitiating homes and offices.
These harmonics exponentially increase exposure to discordant frequencies that alter people’s central nervous and hormonal systems.
Likewise, the quality of electrical power is deteriorated and, in turn, affects the efficiency of the system, especially in:

  • Increase in the use of electrical energy.
  • Increased wear and tear on equipment.
  • Sanctions of supply companies.
  • Failures in microprocessor-based equipment.
  • Overheating of neutrals, transformers, motors.
  • Deterioration of the power factor correction capacitors.
  • Peculiar operation of switches and relays.

Currently, the initial gestation and upbringing of babies are flooded with electromagnetic pollution, parents continuously bring electronic devices such as mobile phones, electronic tablets, audio assistants and “smart” toys, all these devices, just by their electrical operation, generate polluting fields that surround them.
If, in turn, these devices have WiFi, Bluetooth, 4G/5G mobile connection, then there are high-frequency radiation emissions that will also be absorbed by the fetus or baby, as the case may be.

Mothers can make a significant difference by modifying technology usage habits, avoiding unnecessary proximity of their babies to such devices.
However, sometimes, this technological distancing is not possible and, with the passage of time, it is increasingly difficult to keep infants free of this contamination.

The solution is to filter with SPIRO® all devices that are located in proximity to the baby and, additionally, parents should consider a SPIRO® Disc or one of greater power for the spaces.
The selection of the same depends on the proximity to semi-industrial type exhibitions, such as a 5G tower, high voltage lines, or electrical transformers.

Likewise, it is essential for the baby’s health that the mother, when she is away from home, always does so with greater protection that accompanies the baby in addition to the filters attached to the mobile phone.
The health of pregnant women, infants, and children is especially vulnerable to the effects of electrosmog, because their bodies are smaller, less dense, and more fragile.


  • SPIRO® CARD (Mobiles and Tablets close to the baby.
  • SPIRO® SQUARE (Baby Monitors and smart TVs nearby)
  • SPIRO® DISC (cot / car or diaper bag when outdoors).

Electrosmog can negatively affect the quality of sleep in adults.
To protect against these effects, the SPIRO® system offers a unique approach.
SPIRO® filters are ideal for use in close proximity to the person while sleeping, as they can be placed under the pillow or on the headboard of the bed for multifunctional protection of high and low frequencies.

In clinical studies, it has been shown that the nanomagnetic property of SPIRO® filters is able to improve sleep quality by increasing REM cycles, which is beneficial for memory, learning, and emotional well-being.
In addition, SPIRO® filters increase the deep phases of sleep, which is also crucial for cell regeneration and tissue repair.
This can be evidenced by users by using sleep monitoring sensors, such as OURA or others.

In addition, in cases of major sleep disorders, insomnia, restless leg syndrome and chronic sleep intermittency, the SPIRO® DISC PRO and SPIRO® DISC ULTRA filters have been proven to be more effective. Depending on the cases studied, it can take individuals from 15 to 45 days to obtain significant metrics of sleep improvements when they suffer from severe disorders.
In summary, the use of SPIRO® filters can significantly improve sleep quality and, therefore, health, which can be observed in HRV (Heart Rate Variability).

At NOXTAK, we are proud to say that we have successfully treated over 1000 EHS cases.
EHS cases are a challenge for affected people and their environment, and that is why we have a suggested protocol for EHS users and a suggested minimum amount of SPIRO® products, which may vary depending on the location and type of work of the individual, factors that can significantly increase the size of exposure that must be filtered.
Frequently, some individuals with EHS do not see improvement until their environments are completely controlled in terms of electromagnetic disturbances.
These individuals may perceive momentary severe exposures when they wander the streets, suffering long-lasting symptoms.
Some cases of EHS even present with tinnitus and severe insomnia.

For all of the above, the most sensitive individuals are recommended to use the SPIRO® DISC PRO within its suggested solution (the SPIRO® DISC ULTRA being ideal when insomnia or high proximity to 5G radio bases is present).
This will allow the individual to use SPIRO® as well as a multifunctional tool for protection and health promoter.
In addition, the improvements of individuals can be seen by following a simple protocol of self-assessment of common signs and symptoms and sleep quality, which we make available to the person.
We are committed to providing effective solutions to help people with EHS live full and healthy lives.

Being healthy and achieving optimal sports performance is increasingly difficult because the athlete lives in environments polluted in multiple ways, such as indoor air quality, toxic chemicals and, in recent years, the greatest silent aggravating factor is pollution by electromagnetic fields. The consequence is that athletes are losing physical faculties and are not reaching their full potential, this is especially true in high-performance athletes, where any small psychological and/or physiological stress can reduce their performance in their sports field.

An athlete, in order to reach his maximum performance, needs to live in clean habitats with electromagnetic hygiene; to do this, they should pay special attention to filtering their daily electronic devices, cleaning the electrical current system (see section on dirty electricity), and ensuring a rest area enhanced with SPIRO® (see section on sleep quality).

With the SPIRO® system, the athlete or sportsman will not only protect himself from electrosmog, but will enhance all his biomarkers, improving the responses of his autonomic nervous system and HRV (heart rate variability), as well as an enhancement of his vitality and alertness in sports activity.

High-performance athletes can choose the SPIRO® DISC ULTRA as a multifunctional health optimization tool (See SPIRO® DISC ULTRA).

Electrosmog is an increasingly present problem in our daily lives, and pets, especially those with smaller bodies, such as small breed dogs and heart sensitivities, are particularly sensitive to it.
Pets can be severely affected to the point of getting sick from unknown causes or even developing cancer.

Pets spend most of their time at home, right up to the electrical outlets, and dirty electricity in the electrical wiring is a direct influence on them.
Therefore, it is essential to filter your exposure to these electromagnetic fields present in all your environments.
One way to achieve this is by using Stroom Master dirty electricity filters in series, which in turn contain SPIRO filters®.
In the same way, it is recommended that a SPIRO® DISC (minimum SPIRO® SQUARE) be placed in your rest area.
With these filters, a safe and healthy environment for pets in the home can be guaranteed, especially considering their physical vulnerability.

Electric cars (EVs) are increasingly present in our lives, but they also generate electrosmog.
The most recent EVs, from 2021 onwards, have notably increased the number of sensors they use, and, with it, there has been an increase in high-frequency emissions from the vehicle, such as those at 13.56 MHz.
In addition, electric cars of well-known brands have shown notable improvements in the control of low-frequency EMI, however, it is not possible to be emission-free: no matter how much EMI control is carried out by manufacturers, vehicle users will still have multiple exposure to electrosmog.

According to studies carried out at NOXTAK, exposures vary from one model to another, with the highest being those of RF.
For all this, a SPIRO® filtering power equivalent to a SPIRO® DISC PRO has been found as an ideal solution to ensure that, in all uses of the vehicle, including when charging, users are protected.
It is also important to note that the SPIRO® DISC PRO has already been used in individuals with EHS and has proven its effectiveness in these types of users, who can now use EVs, something that was not possible before.

Water is the molecule that gives life on Earth: it covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface, represents 65% of a human being and 90% of the macromolecules present in biological systems.
If water did not exist, there would be no chemical reactions, transport of nutrients and waste, etc. In a simple sentence: without water, there would be no life. Within the ambient temperature and pressure range, water is in three conventional physical states of aggregation, plus one: solid (ice), liquid (liquid water), gaseous (water vapor), and semicrystalline (biological/structured water).

Structured Water: It’s a confusing term for many to describe an exceptional state in the water.
It is common today to speak of structured water for what, in reality, is living water.
The movement of water in a naturally swirling way is a common way of talking about water structured in the wrong way.
Likewise, the solarization of water (placing water in the sun) is a way that is mistakenly confused with structuring.
Both actions are good and beneficial for water, but they are not the structuring we are talking about here.
The use of magnets and current conduction are ways of structuring water, but it is not what we do here.

With SPIRO®, a natural nanomagnetic structuring is carried out that transfers a strengthening of the EZ (Exclusion Zones) magnetic domains and, with this, the information and natural structure of the SOI (Spin Orbit Interaction) is also transferred following the QED (Quantum Electro Dynamincs) model of water.
SPIRO® water promotes improved health markers, increases recovery of natural cellular polarity, provides increased voltage tolerance and immunity to electrosmog, along with other effects.

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