Currently, the initial gestation and upbringing of babies are flooded with electromagnetic pollution, parents continuously bring electronic devices such as mobile phones, electronic tablets, audio assistants and “smart” toys, all these devices, just by their electrical operation, generate polluting fields that surround them.
If, in turn, these devices have WiFi, Bluetooth, 4G/5G mobile connection, then there are high-frequency radiation emissions that will also be absorbed by the fetus or baby, as the case may be.
Mothers can make a significant difference by modifying technology usage habits, avoiding unnecessary proximity of their babies to such devices.
However, sometimes, this technological distancing is not possible and, with the passage of time, it is increasingly difficult to keep infants free of this contamination.
The solution is to filter with SPIRO® all devices that are located in proximity to the baby and, additionally, parents should consider a SPIRO® Disc or one of greater power for the spaces.
The selection of the same depends on the proximity to semi-industrial type exhibitions, such as a 5G tower, high voltage lines, or electrical transformers.
Likewise, it is essential for the baby’s health that the mother, when she is away from home, always does so with greater protection that accompanies the baby in addition to the filters attached to the mobile phone.
The health of pregnant women, infants, and children is especially vulnerable to the effects of electrosmog, because their bodies are smaller, less dense, and more fragile.
- SPIRO® CARD (Mobiles and Tablets close to the baby.
- SPIRO® SQUARE (Baby Monitors and smart TVs nearby)
- SPIRO® DISC (cot / car or diaper bag when outdoors).